Hi, I am

Rachèl van Dijkhorst

Front-end developer based in the Netherlands

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Browse some of my best work thus far...
Image of the AI poem generator Rachèl van Dijkhorst created.

AI poem generator

This is probably my favorite project I've worked on so far. This AI poem generator, powered by the SheCodes AI API, generates poems about anything you type into the search feeld. From wet socks to cheddar cheese and mountains. Programming this was a bit of a challenge though. The AI was very particular about how I needed them to formulate my prompt behind the scenes. Funny enough, this resulted in the AI generating a wonderful poem about the beauty of HTML. Give this generator a try yourself below!

Aurora fanpage

This is the website I'm the most proud of building. Esthetically it's just beautiful, if I may say so myself. I'm also quite fond of the fact that I used grids without Bootstrap. It was also super fun to create a website about something I like, and to have to engage with that content more. What is your favorite Aurora song?

Image of the Aurora fanpage Rachèl van Dijkhorst created.
Image of the React Weather Application 2.0 Rachèl van Dijkhorst created.

React Weather Application 2.0

React.js is not for the faint of heart! Me and React weren't friends when I started using it to build this app. Slowly but surely, after much trial and error, we become more acquainted and managed to make it work between us. I'm happy to present you an upgrated version of the Weather Application. It has a similar lay-out, but has a dark theme. Personally I really like the dark blue combined with the light pink. The application also has weather icon animations!